12. Learning the Hard way | Positive Recovery Mindset | My addict brain is used to learning things the hard way. I would think of myself as “different” and would use that as an excuse to do things “my way”.

12. Learning the Hard way

My addict brain is used to learning things the hard way. I would think of myself as “different” and would use that as an excuse to do things “my way”. But that only led to more challenges and stubborn growth.

In the program, I follow the 12 steps. It’s not about being told to do something, it’s about doing what’s right. Working the steps isn’t the only way to live a sober life, but it is my way. I accept that I’m powerless over alcohol & other drugs.

While the steps work for me, they may not work for you. It’s a discovery process. It’s a process that requires radical transparency & radical open mindedness.

Gratitude of the day: I appreciate my higher power for keeping me modest, because I accept I’m always learning. I’m always growing.

Action of the day: Today I will list 3 ways I get in the way of my own progress.

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